To accept a user invitation for an “Additional User” account, the “Manager” of the company account must first send you invitation instructions via email.

In the invitation email, click on the “Accept Invitation” link and you will be redirected to a separate page to create your account.

Fill in your information in the appropriate fields to set up your user profile and create your password.

User Profile – You should be able to see the company name and your email address. Just make sure to enter your given name and surname into the proper fields.

Password Setup – You can enter your new password and type it again in the password confirmation field to confirm it.

Language – You can select the language of your choice by making your selection from the dropdown menu. The choices are English, Italian, French, Spanish and Dutch. Please note you can change the language at any time via the “Edit Profile” page. Select the language from the dropdown menu and click on the “Save” button.

Password and Account Confirmation – After you’ve filled out all of the information, read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, and check the box to agree.

Make sure to enter a password in the “Password” field and that it is a minimum of 8 characters. We suggest using a strong password combined with upper and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers.

When finished, click on the “Set my password” button to set your password and register your account.

Tag: Sign In